Saturday, June 9, 2012

Holy Mountain Interactive Post

Last night, poet/painter/musician Brian Lucas had a screening of Alejandro Jodorowsky's  The Holy Mountain. Disaster Amnesiac was left pretty much speechless. Other folks in attendance had their opinions.
1. What was Jodorowsky trying to say to his intended audience?
2. Is the film an allegory?
3. What were your dreams like, if notable at all, after watching?
4. Did you notice the tarot cards in the tower? What was their significance?
5. Would you watch the film again?

If you ever see this post and want to participate, please leave a comment.


  1. This might be heretical, but this here Jodorowsky fan is not a fan of this particular Jodorowsky flick. As a film I found Holy Mountain to be pretty pedantic, slightly unnecessary, and most of all boring. Indeed I can think of any number of other films (Harry Smith's early animated films, Bruno Gantillon's The Girl Slaves of Morgan Le Fay, even the documentary Vali the Witch of Positano) that succeed in communicating magickal symbolism & information in ways that actually moved me deeply. That film just left me cold.

    Now Sante Sangre, that was A FILM leeme tell ya

  2. Oh, well, it was worth a try!
    I will check out Sante Sangre!
