Saturday, February 8, 2014

Lickety Split Promo Card; SF, CA 1998

Here is another bit of San Francisco bike messenger ephemera, from Disaster Amnesiac's time working the mail room of a large corporate architectural firm in the late 1990's.
As I recall it, this promo card was handed to me by an employee of Lickety Split, the All Girl Courier Service founded by Tribe 8 singer Lynn Breedlove, as she was making a cold marketing call.
I can't remember if I enthused to her about how much I was digging Tribe 8's Role Models for Amerika at the time, but, she probably would have just shrugged off my enthusiasm, anyway. Messenger cool can be glacial.
Anyway, I ended up laminating it for some reason, and I discovered it the other night as I was going through some personal files. That graphic is just too cool not to be shared!