Thursday, May 22, 2014

Centralstodet-Solkurva,Krok,En,Boj; Sky Lantern Records Tapes Series #002

Disaster Amnesiac figures, that if you're reading, or have read this blog, you're familiar with the feeling. At some point in your listening experience, you've gotten into a certain style or approach to music making. You delve headfirst into it, gobbling up as many recorded examples, taking in as many shows, reading as many articles as you can find. You REALLY dig it. Than, however many months or years later, you realize that you're a bit tired of said style or approach, and drift off to new interests and obsessions.
I bring this up, simply because Centralstodet's recent cassette on the Sky Lantern label, Solkurva,Krok,En,Boj has me really digging the Stoner Rock sound again, after many years away from its heavy, darkened vibes. The band's twin guitar instrumental attack from Daniel Johansson and Ulrik Lindblom chugs forward at nice mid-to-sludge tempos, always retaining the colorful psychedelic feel that seems so important an aspect to that genre's overall mood, working from almost Folk-ey melodies as they spiral upward into Space. The rhythm section of Joni Huttunen on bass and Jonas Fridlund on drums pounds generally spare and simple, pushing the guitar explorations with heavy footfalls.
The six tunes on this cassette put the listener into a nicely tranced musical world, mixed full Blues, Rock, and Psych, and Boogie influences.  The absence of vocal allows the band get right down to the business of jamming them out, plowing forward through them with skill and aplomb.
If you're interested in finding some groovy, raw Stoner/Doom stuff, seek out and find Solkurva,Krok,En,Boj and rip off a toke or two of its gooey musical buds.

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