Saturday, December 24, 2022

Guro Skumsnes Moe & Philippe Petit-self titled; Public Eyesore Records #151, 2022


To paraphrase Peter Tosh here, Disaster Amnesiac is comin' in hot with an off the cuff review of Guro Skumsnes Moe & Philippe Petits' stunning new self titled CD from Public Eyesore. Just got the dang thing today and I'm just so jazzed on its sounds that the need to wait has been sloughed off like manners during a political debate. Gotta write about it NOW, because this, THIS is what I'm talking about when it comes to Experimental/Industrial/Electro-Acoustic music! 

Three tracks, two long and one short, of a duo that explores the deeper recesses of their respective rigs (basses, analog synths, voices, and turntables) and the explorations reach into deeply satisfying sonic realms. Moe and Petit peel back the niceties and get downright gritty with each other, and it's a treat to listen to them do it. Whirling, twisting sonic hurricanes! LSD trails! Doom Metal bass riffs! Plurp-ey synth burbs! Pealing feedback! Random weird melodic fragments! All of that and more have this duo concocted in a release that is so pleasingly in the pocket of what Disaster Amnesiac currently wants from his Experimental/Industrial/Electro-Acoustic listening time. I'm listening right now, and all that I can do is smile at their astute presentation, one which brings the best and most effective elements of these genres to peak levels of fascination. Clearly Moe and Petit have done a ton of work in the sound art world; they bring it all to their tables, and do it with confidence and poise fitting of their resume. In short, this stuff rocks. 

There have been a few recent releases from the Weirdo Music side of our world that have felt mannered and kind of bland to Disaster Amnesiac, but Guro Skumsnes Moe & Philippe Petit is WAAAAAAAY not that. You guys need to get some kind of cool logo so that Henry Rollins can tattoo it on his left calf.

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