Monday, October 23, 2023

Goodbye Andrew Palmer


Tremendous sadness has been affecting me since I heard the news about the passing of Andrew Palmer, who died on October 2nd, 2023. 

I got to know Andrew over the course of five years, 2015-20, after he contacted me out of the blue with a request to get together and make some music. Andrew's vision of "Sound Art", as he called it, was pure, and influenced by his bright sense of humor. As I've recollected our relationship over the past few days, I've recalled that the very last utterances from him to me were sarcastic jabs at one of the then current societal tropes. Keeping those to myself, though. Getting back to Andrew's wit and its influence on his musical activity, that wit never mired his production down into mere satire. Time spent within what I recall to be a deep art scene in London assured that Andrew would always take his music seriously. He stuck to his principles, always, even as he noted the elements of absurdity embedded within the pursuit. Never were his aesthetic choices not inspiring.

It must be stated that Andrew was also a tremendously devoted husband and father; the love that he showed to his daughters was humbling in its purity. It was always clear that his family was the primary focus of his attentions. 

Andrew was patient and big-hearted, even under stress. I can't imagine a kinder person than him. It is through a prism of tears that I type these words of remembrance. Godspeed and much love to you,  Andrew. This world is diminished by your leaving.

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