Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Steve Albini RIP


A fond memory of Steve Albini. Some time in the twenty teens, my pal Scarp and I went to see Shellac play in Oakland CA. I'd seen them before, and was well aware of their nature as an ass kicking Rock band. At some point in this show, however, Steve started talking into the mic about the capacities for human wonder and gratitude. This talk lasted more than a few minutes, and it was eminently clear that Steve Albini was completely sincere with this talk. It was one of the most fascinatingly raw moments that I've ever experienced in the live music setting, and obviously it's not been forgotten. Nor will Steve Albini be. He was a paragon of artistic integrity and non-bullshit approaches to the work of musical production. His leaving is a huge loss to a segment of society that will recall his work and personality. Rock on to your next destination Steve Albini.

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