Friday, August 9, 2024

Live shot(s) #136, plus bonus shots!

 All photos taken at Hotel Congress, Tucson 8/8/2024. Sirius in alignment with Leo. 

Below: Get This; sick guitar tones and ballsy drummer.

Above: Got Bit. Banshee power. Drummer is a Giants fan, which takes balls here in Tucson, most MLB people skew toward Dodger Stadium. 

Below: Felsenmirror, on tour from Portland OR. 'norwest at its best. Plant a garden, anyway, the roots will heal the soil.

Above: Suicide Forest. Self deletion occurs within a place beyond the Word. Tread this place with caution. Overtones from on high. A Tucson gem, so damn great. 

Below: Bonus shots, or Discrete Elements Of One Room Within Hotel Congress.

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