Saturday, September 14, 2024

Live shot(s) #140!


All shots from Desert Drone at Wooden Tooth Records Downtown, Tucson 9/13/2024. 

Below: Slan. Skilled looping with strings and percussion. Electro-acoustic. Saw dragons.

Above: Matty Terrones. Shoegazer densities from tapes and oscillators. Thick sounds. On tour from San Diego.

Below: Ian McPhee. PCH Drone Core. Wisps of Pacific fog and Lynch-like guitar tones. Mysterious. 

Above: Kurva Choir. High level drone achieved via acoustic strings (with electric bass) and voice. Overtones and polyphonic delights. Excellent community music for Tucson. 

As usual, Desert Drone provided a wonderful experience for adventurous musical fans. It's cookin' in Arizona! 

Below: discrete element of Wooden Tooth Records performance area. Look up!

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