Sunday, December 29, 2024

Live shot(s) #152!


Black Flag came back to Tucson on 12/29/2024, appearing at 191 Toole! They played their asses off for the people and the people loved them as always. Their rhythmic feel was a bit more amped up than the last time that Disaster Amnesiac saw them; their stop/start syncopation was physically moving and mentally dramatic. Greg's solos were ripping, Mike Vallely is the best Black Flag singer ever, it was a damn TIME and those that were there all knew it. A hell of a party in Tucson on a Sunday night. Shit yeah. BLACK FLAG!!!!!

Below: mostly blurred shots because I was dancing around like a foolish person. 


I guess that it's too late to expect new music from Black Flag but that's OK. Going crazy as Greg Ginn and Mike Vallely and the rhythm section that they have do their thing is plenty enough. Hopefully they swing into Tucson again soon.

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