Friday, March 7, 2025

Armanda Irarrazabal+Marco Albert-og; eh? Records #128, 2024


og is a duo recording from double bass player Amanda Irarrazabal and vocalist/electronics player Marco Albert, and it was released by eh? Records at the tail end of 2024. It is also a very effective piece of experimental music whose sounds are distinct and obviously well considered. If one reads about the creators of the music documented within og, one will surely realized that Irarrazabal and Albert have had great experience as pertains to playing interactions with an international grab back of acknowledged Masters. They learned well from their mentors and are producing music of deep thought and performative ability, this much is clear all over the pretty orange cassette tape that is og

Opener Arak emerges swinging in the metallic zones with raw voices that eventually settle into what sounded to Disaster Amnesiac like the hallucinations of hiker that's been trapped within a dry canyon. It's a very active piece of music and so heavy. Eventually the listener is spun outward from the canyon and into Witblits. This one can be equally unsettling at times, at least until it concludes with primitive, core sounds and dog style (no, in the vocals you perves.) 

Side two of og starts with Raki, a nice slow burn of low bass tones. Irarrazabal can way extend her instrument! A song which presents presents personal linguistics and drama it is. Next up, Singani has contemplative zones and actual Jazz singing, and why not? The realm can always use more Jazz singing, and if you don't believe that please listen to The Steve Lacy Quintet with Irene Aebi or Billie Holiday, ok? og finishes with Orujo. There are throat singing and marching sounds on the tune and then Yeti conference high in the Andes. It's a treatise upon the development of language and it's a lovely conclusion to the album.

Along with the fascinating sounds of og, its jay card art, non fussy and appealing in its aesthetic, make for a release that a collector of physical objects of this type will surely crave. You should be so lucky as to score a copy. You'll like it. A lot. As Disaster Amnesiac does.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Live shot(s) #160!

 Two shots from St. Charles Tavern Tucson, 2/28/2025.

Below: Priscilla Priddy, a gal who can really sing.

Above: Barefoot On Bumblebees. The rural grit of the banjo paired with precision Post Hardcore drumming and dueling vocal harmonies. 

St. Charles Tavern is a really cool spot at which to listen to music, play pool, and hang out!

Friday, February 28, 2025

Eloine-Compulsive Dinner Guest; Test Tone Music TTMC-2, 2024


The latest release (that Disaster Amnesiac is aware of) from Eloine, Compulsive Dinner Guest, has the distinction of being assembled after musician Bryan Day's summer 2024 tour of Japan. This fact is noted first in light of the press sheet's mentioning "a subtler approach" to the album. One wonders, what did Day observe (and Bryan is always observing closely) that encouraged this approach while in that most sublime of countries? This question is probably rhetorical, and it's obviously Day's prerogative to keep that type of information to himself. That being said, the physical evidence that arrives in the form of Compulsive Dinner Guest, shows more moves within his very personal sound world, consisting of varied self-innovated instruments and processes. An attentive listener will be presented the various aspects from this world; these aspects, resulting from quite a complex process, feature generally subtle shifts in rhythm and pitch. Palpable sub-surface sonic agitations and excitements are sounded on Reactionary Survey. Smokers Pillow has immediate drone effects that frame gestural actions upon Bryan's rig, which are followed up by slowly emerging voices, both high and low. Percussion and pure Noise are blended well during Mancopter Ascends, which concludes with a well paced fade out to conclude side A. On the flip side, Nothing Becomes Everything has ghostly voices and rocks with pedal tones, while the neatly entitled Spiderwhite creaks with machinery clips and late night outdoor trance sounds. Set closing track Thum Tax Live (was this tracked in Nippon during one of the shows?) is a dramatic slow burner with ring modulators. All told, Compulsive Dinner Guest would be welcomed by any fan of abstract music. It  commands and rewards deep listening. The pacing and sound assembly practiced by Eloine are unique and fully realized. The influence of Japan can be felt and heard within this emergent poise, mostly for its quietly simmering mesmerizing tones. Zen and the art of Day!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Live shot #159!



Colin Bluntstone Band at Rialto Theater Tucson, 2/22/2025. Really well done renditions of tunes by The Zombies, Alan Parsons etc. Maybe just a touch of pitch correction in a few spots (?) but the man can still sing really well. A solid band, too. Headliner Al Stewart did his popular favorites and let his backing band, Empty Pockets, show their stuff during his set. Mrs. Amnesiac was over the moon, Al is one of her faves.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Live shot(s) #158!


All shots from Desert Drone show at Pidgin Palace Tucson, 2/21/2025.

Below: Briartronics, all era Fusion tight trio action. Hell of a drummer.

Above: Julio Lopez. Three song solo voice set. The human voice resonance. 

Below: Gabby Isaac. Great heavy glitchey rhythm set with a bit of a truncated feel. Technical issues? 

Above: Compersion perform lovely bass driven melodics. 

Pidgin Palace has a really great resonant space for live performance. Hopefully more Desert Drone shows can take place there.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Jamie Muir RIP


The first exposure to Jamie Muir the musician came to Disaster Amnesiac by way of MTV and its occasional airing of a ripping piece of Lark's Tongue In Aspic from King Crimson. Muir's presence, a mad manic energy within the matrix of a Rock band, struck out and then some. He was obviously involved within the musical actions being documented therein but at the same time he was also of some other sort. Recall Robert Fripp stating something to the effect that Muir had too much good sense to get involved with music industry, and fair enough: Jamie the persona remained somewhat obscure. That said there's an interesting Incus Records release with him and Derek Bailey exchanging ideas of the inner sort. Sometimes over the years as Lark's Tongue In Aspic has spun on my turntable, there has been pondering as to what Jamie Muir got up to after his early 1970's Rock Star turn. Did he paint? He must have! I mean come, the sounds that he coaxed from various items within that album are so much of a visual character. Whatever it was that Jamie Muir got himself involved with over the decades, here's to hoping that he found them to his satisfaction. Are those drums of his going up for sale at eBay? Or Sotheby's even?

Friday, February 14, 2025

Dennis Palmer-Whit Wuff; Public Eyesore Records #160, 2024


Dennis Palmer was an American musician who participated in the Free Improvisation scene, starting in the 1980's era, a time that Disaster Amnesiac imagines to have been pretty challenging for its participants. Regardless of the adversity, players such as Palmer got on with their pursuits, and in the case of Dennis, started an influential improvising band in Shaking Ray Levis along with making professional connections with the likes of Derek Bailey, Steve Beresford, and Col. Bruce Hampton. At the time of his unexpected passing in 2013, Palmer had been working with Public Eyesore Records on White Wuff.  Obviously the production stopped as his collaborators grieved for their loss, the loss of a person whose influence greatly affected them. A decade and change later, and the album has been completed and released by Public Eyesore, the label that describes Palmer as a friend and frequent collaborator. As White Wuff has spun out of my speakers I have heard what sounds to me as two albums. Towards the start of its duration, it presents shorter pieces that dip in and out quite quickly, in the fashion of vignettes. The most compelling one of these for this listener has been My Damey, a track that sounds as if Jethro Tull had been dosed with some potent Owlsey acid by the Grateful Dead crew at some island music festival in the late 1960's. Disaster Amnesiac means that in the most endearing of ways, and every time that the track has played it's been a stone crack up. Palmer's skill with the synthesizer is on full display within another shorter cut, I Adore, the actual opener of White Wuff, during which his surreal yet very human sound world is introduced. This music, while being quite experimental, always evinces a characteristic warmth, which makes it very accessible and even inviting. Not exactly an easy task within the Avant Garde. As to the second part of White Wuff, the listener is treated to longer tracks in which Dennis, saxophone player Jessica Lure, banjo player Frank Pahl, drummer Bob Stagner, and vocalist Col. Bruce Hampton get into some seriously interactive group jams. It's within tracks such as Chongo and Evolvement that the real meat of the album is served. There is no way of knowing whether or not these jams are presented as they occurred in real time, or if overdubbing processes were utilized in their production, but, either way they feature top flight playing from all of their participants. Chongo has consistently been an absolute mind blower track for Disaster Amnesiac: its blending of synth tones that evoke the older MIDI sounds with earthy, yet absolutely free, drumming and saxophone tones make it a real winner. I've played it dozens of times and it doesn't lose its freshness and hipness. And whoever is doing that shamanic chanting during They went deep into the psychic depths for that performance. Getting back to the bifurcated nature of White Wuff, this structural aspect of the album makes it so that the listener is never fatigued. It's an album that flows impeccably, and whomever did the sequencing deserves a lot of credit for their thoughtful work. American primitive Folk painting images add to its appeal as a physical object. Pick up yours over at Public Eyesore and pay some homage to a musician that was taken away from his scene way too soon. Getting a bit choked up just pondering that.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Becoming Led Zeppelin; Bernard MacMahon dir., 2025


Within the somewhat stealth promotional lead up to director Bernard MacMahon's Becoming Led Zeppelin, Disaster Amnesiac did not find much to be made to feel of interest. That is, until I read that it was going to be screening at IMAX theaters for a brief run. In that instance, the film just had to be viewed. Happy to have viewed it, too. 

For starters, and as was anticipated, the full tracks of primal Zep from the first two albums, as heard through the high quality IMAX speakers sounded fantastic. It must be assumed that Jimmy Page mixed these tracks for the format, and holy smokes he did a great job. Unheard nuances, particularly from the Bonham/Jones rhythm section bounced around the theater delightfully. Page at one point in Becoming Led Zeppelin mentions John's skill at drum tuning and it is borne out by the sound of his bass drum. Just magical, that right foot of his. Added to the great mix are lengthy passages during which Page describes the engineering of Led Zeppelin and Led Zeppelin II. His time spent on countless London music industry sessions served as a valuable apprenticeship; Jimmy Page's skills as an engineer were visionary. Disaster Amnesiac has pondered a feature film just sussing that side of Led Zeppelin's catalog! Along with these more technical details, the viewer is treated to a sweet Band Of Joy demo, and the ending credits are soundtrack'ed by a live Eddie Cochran medley, from the Roundhouse I think, that prove the band to have been a walloping Rock 'n Roll band of the most essential sort. The film is worth seeing for all these aspects alone. It had this listener rocking out in my seat. 

Visually, Becoming Led Zeppelin shows Jimmy Page as a suave and savvy dresser, from his frilly pink duds in London to an absolute Punk Rock leather jacket at the Fillmore in San Francisco. Along with the fashions, it illustrates the varied personalities of the band members quite well: John Paul and John all business, Robert a consummate lead singer/front man, and Jimmy with said style and performative dramatics. Disaster Amnesiac certainly wishes that I could have taken in a live Led Zeppelin show. Along with the visuals of Peter Grant's boys, there is great footage of the later period Yardbirds and Terry and the Pirates as well. A visual feast for fans of 1960's Rock 'n Roll to be sure.

Also of note is the group's remembrances of their non-stop two year tour cycle, one which John Paul Jones quite astutely describes the surreal logistics of and Robert Plant describes as his dreams come true. Touring bands work harder than the civilians know, and often within borderline ridiculous circumstances, and Led Zeppelin were obviously one of the main touring bands within that era. 

Upon leaving the theater after viewing Becoming Led Zeppelin, Disaster Amnesiac jumped right in to texting a few friends, advising them to get to their local IMAX theater and see it. Now, I am suggesting you do the same.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Live shot(s) #157!


All shots from Wooden Tooth Records downtown Tucson 2/7/2025. 

Below: Dactyls speak their own language rooted in Jazz and many other elements. 

Above: Sun Chower is a drummer-led project playing through composed charts and an Ellington cover. Some inter-connected moments enhanced with electronics and really good alto sax sounds. 

Below: Kryge unleash ballistic instrumental prowess! 

 Fantastic drummers in each act.

The cool night air of downtown Tucson in February. Yeah.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Tucson shot!


Great new mural at the confluence of Alameda St., Toole St. and 6th Ave. Tucson, 2/1/2025. Lit up for the night people. Estevan Ochoa would have been stoked!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Live shot(s) #156!


Maiiuwak/Gneiss at Wave Archive Tucson 2/1/2025.

Below: Maiiuwak play all the elements of the Sonoran Desert. I want to go to every Maiiuwak show.

Above: Gneiss play highly connected Electro-Acoustic band music. Out on a South West/West Coast tour now! 

An excellent show at Wave Archive, once again.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Random shot!


Butte, MT July 2020. Great signage.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Fabio Rambelli/Dirk Wachtelaer-The Turning Point; Edgetone Records 2024


Quite memorable, the first time that Disaster Amnesiac heard the sho, an ancient Japanese mouth organ, on a recording of Gagaku music. I was a student at the time, and professor Richard Kaplan had inspired me to do deep digs into various forms of music from all over the world. Trips to the music section of San Francisco Public Library turned into obsessive searches for any and all available examples of such. Recall sitting in my room within a Western Addition flat utterly transfixed by the otherworldly sounds of the form. So primordial and yet simultaneously modern, especially the tones of the sho. Perhaps Fabio Rambelli had similar initial experiences with the instrument? However he first became aware of the sho, he's obviously spent a great deal of time learning the instrument, and to the delight of this listener, he's documenting his work on releases such as last year's The Turning Point. Over fourteen tracks in duet with drummer Dirk Wachtelaer, Fabio explores the serene and surreal tones that can be coaxed from this magnificent invention of bamboo and free reed. Free indeed is the interplay of the two improvisors, especially the playing from Dirk. His drum kit explorations, using sticks, mallets, brushes, and some sort of rubbing device push Rambelli into areas by turns introspective and cool or wildly expressive; within any of the achieved sonic zones, both evince control and and the willingness to explore the varied modes within which they find themselves. Disaster Amnesiac has heard East Asian ritual music and the Blues, Avant-Garde improvisation and village festival Folk forms. For this listener the sho can conjure up feelings of solemness, and those vibes definitely occur on The Turning Point as well, but there are also zones of abandon and maybe even whimsy that are reached within the interplay of two seasoned improvisors. It's all really nicely documented with clean recording and even mixing and wrapped within a cover that has sumptuous, intriguing art. Fans of adventurous musical blends will want to seek out The Turning Point. Deep stuff here from Fabio Rambelli and Dirk Wachtelaer.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Live shot #155!


Collision Stories, Berkeley Arts Festival Building 2015.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

RIP David Lynch


    "...I think that everything's going in evolution. But it's a slow process and there's lots of places to get hung up and we're in one of those places right now."

--David Lynch, Search & Destroy #9

It was 2006 or '07 when Disaster Amnesiac had a conversation with a dude who'd recently seen David Lynch give a talk. L told me about how most of the time spent during this talk was upon the subject of transcendental meditation. It's known that Lynch was a long term practitioner of the activity. One has to wonder how that practice informed the last phase of his life, his dying phase. It's far beyond me to put forth any more propositions than that though, as regards David's personal journey into death of his body. Disaster Amnesiac would like to say that I've never seen Eraserhead, but have watched Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart, both seasons of Twin Peaks, Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me, Mulholland Drive, and Inland Empire multiple times each and they are all considered by me to essential to a certain way of thinking about art in general and film specifically. Lynch evinced evolution above hang ups. All of these productions of his kick major ass in their own singular ways, and they are all evolution from what he'd done previously. There are people that love his stuff and people that do not love his stuff. I can think of a few that I've known, on both sides of that coin. He was not a magnet for indifference, which is a key signifier for true creativity.

I was told that David Lynch died today. It's not sadness which I feel from that news. It seems to me that somehow Lynch wouldn't have wanted that for people. Sadness is too narrow a spectrum, especially for practitioners of transcendental meditation. His film work is timeless in its own transcendental way, and I know that that work will continue to be appreciated here and probably lots of others places too.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Live shot(s) #154!


All shots from Desert Drone show at Wave Archive Tucson, 1/14/2025

Below: Vulture Vault: towards personal melodic invention.

Above: Kelby Clark achieving micro-tones and sub-harmonics through Claw Hammer technique. Out on tour now.

Below: Steev Hise. Utilizing enhanced singing/songwriting for exploration of the squishy sides of self doubt. Electronic fireplace not in frame. 

Many and varied ways in which to achieve the Drone. One hears it or one doesn't. It occurs, either way.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Nubdug Ensemble-Third; Catsynth Records, 2024


It was only after six or seven spins of Nubdug Ensemble's Third that Disaster Amnesiac was hipped to the fact that there is an overarching theme to the album. According the the band's Bandcamp page, said theme is that of Julius Ceaser's reign within the then emerging imperial Rome. Nubdug Ensemble composer and leader re-posted what I am sure is a very astute bit of writing that compares William Shakespeare's play about Brutus's victim at said page, and I'm sure that it's an intellectual whopper wholly worth reading while one listens to Third. Disaster Amnesiac makes it a habit to not read reviews of releases that I'm currently preparing to enthuse upon, so that piece is unfamiliar to me, at least for the time being. What is familiar to me is the astuteness and clarity of Berry's musical compositions. Any music listener that is interested in enthused harmony, active rhythmic structuring, and melodic invention beyond what is usually deemed acceptable for these compositional elements will find many reasons to dig Third. As with all of the previous Nubdug Ensemble albums, Jason assembled a group of first call players/composers/improvisors for the realization of this current one, and it's no surprise that they do not disappoint; while every one of them deserves mention, and I admonish you to check the list of stellar musicians involved, I will single out guitarist Myles Boisen for his great six string performance and Amanda Chaudhary, who engineered Third really well. That said, there's no one who is not completely kicking ass as they contribute to this release. Third is a damn fun recording that shows Jason Berry to be reaching ever new heights of compositional and performative plateau within his singular musical vision, and Disaster Amnesiac enjoys it from front to back. What a great album Third is! I'm keeping this review short and encouraging you to scroll over to Nubdug Ensemble's Bandcamp page in order to buy a copy for yourself. I'll be heading over in short order to read that review, which will no doubt be much better than mine at elucidating the finer points of Third. Not like that's a complaint mind you. Hit us with more music soon, Jason and your cohort!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Live shot(s) #153!

 Taken at Wave Archive Tucson, 1/8/2025

Below: Grant Beyschau. Microtonal densities and attendant bliss.

Above: Chelsey Lee-Trejo Cecyl Ruehlen Duo. Drone duo conjurations with subtle tonal variations and a perfect landing. Simpatico.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Thurston Moore-Flow Critical Lucidity; Daydream Library Series, 2024


Despite the fact that we're now into 2025, Disaster Amnesiac continues to think about Best Of lists for 2024. Some good friends of mine recently pointed me towards theirs, and it was clear to me just how much music I had missed out on. As usual, it's humbling and awesome to realize how much great sound is produced, and how easy it can be to access most of it. Still, there's only so much time to be had and spent within the pursuit. A music lover will most likely not be able to hear the vast majority of it, even if they want to do so, even if they attempt to do so. 

This is all mentioned in relation to Thurston Moore's Flow Critical Lucidity because it's easily my pick for the best musical release of last year (an aside: the liner note lists it as having copyright 2023 and 2024 but it came to my attention within the latter year). It can be assured that Disaster Amnesiac listened to a lot of music last year, a fair amount of it being newly released (another aside: when will Black Flag write and release new sounds?), and none of it was as compelling to my perceptions as Flow Critical Lucidity. Just that title alone! Such an incredible desire(ing machine)! Of all the dynamics aspired to, critical lucidity flowing sounds top shelf. One can imagine oneself within a state of inspired clarity within that state, and that's a state that sounds pretty magical. 

Getting back to the music on the album: seven exquisite tracks, rooted within the long running aesthetics that Moore has utilized ceaselessly that also show new breakthroughs for them. New In Town kicks things off with the kind of chiming guitar tones familiar to and loved by Thurston fans. These sounds are bolstered by the imaginatively realized percussion of Jem Doulton. There's a kind of Beatnik bongo calypso feel within it that upon first listen and just about every subsequent one has Disaster Amnesiac feeling nicely espresso'ed and very appreciative of the heartfelt love for various D.C. musical acts expressed within the lyrics of the tune. I'm not sure who the lyricist named Radieux Radio is, but that entity certainly does love the sounds of the District of the 1980's. What thinking person wouldn't though, right? Next up comes the beautiful Sans Limites, almost three minutes of an absolutely gorgeous prelude that leads into a verse which should have been a big radio hit. Not sure if those are even a thing anymore but listen to the song and you'll catch the drift. Magical song writing with a very inspired musical performance. Track three, Shadow, gets into another really subtle groove, all of the instrumental players locking in to each others' lines while Moore seems to be dealing with ghosts that linger around his physical environment. The environment which I find myself in is very conducive to ghosts, so, yeah, relatable. The key is to acknowledge them; they're not to be feared. A very subtle burst of feedback kicks off Hypnogram before its melody, one of such delicate longing as to make a sensitive person shed tears of joy, starts up. It sounds as if it's a reminiscence of times gone by, recalled with affection and the joy of remembering those small moments that add up to love. The group stretches within their groove after the lyrics, and its a great one for driving and/or dancing. Disaster Amnesiac has had both experiences with the song and I can assure you that this statement is accurate. Following all of that motion, one may want to kick back and relax, and We Get High is a perfect song for which to do so. It's also the best Stoner Rock song that I've heard in decades, what with the Wagnerian visuals of its lyrics and the cannabinoid timbre of the guitars and electronic effects that are utilized on it. This one is a bong load of psychedelic power and the various groups that have either "Weed" or "Goat" within their monikers should take note and act accordingly. It's a long-ish song that could go longer for its slow, hazy groove! Rewilding shows the band getting to an almost Go-Go groove at times while the vocals warn someone that Thurston just wants to get a bit of rest and to dream of butterflies kissing his face. There's an all-percussion break down at the back end of the track that really should be sampled by some astute beat maker. A fine penultimate track on the fine LP that is Flow Critical Lucidity. This leads to the closer, The Diver, and epic Psych jam that ties up all of the varied flows within the masterpiece that the album is. Another slow burn approach that wends its way through eight minutes of guitar exploration and whimsy, and Disaster Amnesiac has noted that its ending sounds circle right back to the first sounds of the album, giving it a ouroboros type of effect. Seriously, the way that the music of Flow Critical Lucidity was arranged is much akin to that of a symphony. I have no idea if that was Thurston Moore's intention but that's how it sounds to me. 

A few thoughts tangential to the sounds: the cover image is wonderful and the gaps between songs is well done. As to the former, can you imagine putting that helmet atop your cranium and striking those tuning forks? What type of brain burn would you experience. In regards to the latter, they give the listener a nice little bit of reflective time after each track, and each of them deserve a lot of reflection. Every song on Flow Critical Lucidity is brilliant.

Disaster Amnesiac expects that Flow Critical Lucidity, my pick for best release of 2024, will be in rotation well into 2025 and beyond. It transcends considerations of mere linear time anyway.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Hardcore '25.

 For the past several weeks Disaster Amnesiac has been perusing a well worn copy of Steven Blush's American Hardcore-A Tribal History during various down time activities at mi casita. Recall purchasing the book excitedly when it was initially published. That's what, twenty-two years ago now? Blush was a participant within the initial bloom of Hardcore and all of the contributors to this oral history of the movement were too. To varying degrees every one of them do frame Hardcore as a movement. It was more than just a development within the music culture. It would seem redundant for me to recount the talking points of Hardcore as movement, and who really has time to read anymore anyway? From a purely subjective frame of reference Disaster Amnesiac has been playing Hardcore recordings that I own or have access to: Necros, Misfits, Agnostic Front. Never stopped listening to Minor Threat and various other D.C. Hardcore sounds, or Cro-Mags, Fang or Minutemen. Right now Everything Went Black is spinning in the house CD player. Disaster Amnesiac posted pics from a Black Flag show that occurred here in Tucson last Sunday. These are aspects of Hardcore that still affect my music listening, how I hear music. At least it seems that way much of the time. Other types of music share that space of course but it was Hardcore music, particularly that of Black Flag and to a slightly lesser extent Minor Threat wherein I really felt music with a kind of bodily consciousness. Obviously there are many others still hanging around this realm too. Are they watching the contemporary Hardcore shows that get posted on YouTube? Disaster Amnesiac hits the play button on them fairly often. I can't say that there's much to excite my musical synapses when they're viewed. There's a kind of formulaic aspect to them, one that's been noted and critiqued for so long now; again, the reader needn't be harangued with it from this quadrant. It looks as though people have a great time at these Hardcore shows and there's no shame in that. A couple of years back the Tucson band Bat Population played at Hotel Congress, opening for a few of the then-hot contemporary Hardcore bands. Bat Population, sadly disbanded, were not a Hardcore band. They were my favorite band of the evening. Glad that they played first, because my attention was sharp and not volume worn as I tried to pay mind to their musical band dynamics as they worked them in front of people.  Shoes with toe protection were more imperative for witnessing the second two bands than musical attentiveness, but then again it seems as though Hardcore's physicality won out over its more cerebral elements a long time ago. No need to dialectical about it. It is what it is and in some ways a person's ability to cope with that perspective can be enhanced by time spent around Hardcore scenes. There's a quote from Scream's Pete Stahl in American Hardcore: "[M]ost of the shows were in a shitty part of from the 'burbs were being exposed to the realities of the world..." I can certainly attest to having had certain blinders that my young eyes wore removed within that type of activity, on macro societal and micro personal levels. It feels almost cliche to mention this at this point that Hardcore ripped the scabs off of the cuts that life within American society necessitates. For many it did. Some hung around. Some moved on. Disaster Amnesiac held on to certain vital stances gleaned from Hardcore, of that you can be assured. My more distressing/insane/dismiss-able traits got worked out in public, with and around other really existing people, and my apologies for all that. This morning I woke up wondering about what types of events will transpire in this new year of 2025. Which part of Hardcore will people inclined to its influence use as means of surviving, coping, thriving?  Three days in and we're already seeing scenes which beg the question: how hardcore will things get?

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Rench's Rifles-s/t; On Repeat Records cassette, 2023



Fans of a certain style of musical production will be familiar with Mick Barr as a guitar player extraordinaire in groups such as Orthrelm  and Chrom Tech, wherein he lays down Maximalist riffs with speed and precision. Any of his projects are worth time spent listening to. Disaster Amnesiac certainly has. That being said, the intriguing possibility of hearing this master guitar player take a turn on drums was what lead me to Rench's Rifles, the eponymous release from his 2000's-era group with Rafael Cohen and Raquel Vogl on guitars. Over the course of nine tracks the listener is treated to this trio in what sounds to me to be the initial throws of a band discovering itself, and it's a beauty to hear. Barr is clearly the leader: his drumming evinces a musical conception that, while not overpowering the guitars, takes center stage within the sound matrix. He utilizes 32nd note flourishes, burst beats, tom tom to cymbal bell runs, and other over the top techniques that drive the guitar tones made by Cohen and Vogl, which are compelling for their modal astuteness. Not that the latter two seem to mind some sticks wielding dude dicking with their flows. They sound enthusiastic about it! Their enthusiasm rings out not only within the pacing of their playing but also at times from their voices as they encourage themselves and their fellows as the jams unfold. It's the sound that a band in its initial flourishes of spontaneous collaboration makes. And it's just such loveliness.  In many ways all of the tracks can be heard as jams; there's a raw, unfinished quality to the entire set that makes Disaster Amnesiac very happy, that's for damn sure. Could you imagine how fun it must have been to have seen this band as they played live, together? Did Rench's Rifles ever play a show for other people? If so, those in attendance must have been grinning ear to ear. Sounds such as those captured on Rench's Rifles have that effect. As far as Disaster Amnesiac knows, copies of this are still to be had at Dischord Records. Spread the love from the guitar to the drums!