Monday, June 24, 2024

The Big Drum In the Sky Religion-Entheogenocide; haveyousaidmidi Records, no date listed


The Big Drum In the Sky Religion is a project that has turned Disaster Amnesiac on for a number of years now. Just about everything that this person has done aesthetically just resonates with my ears and brain. No need to list out my subjective reasons for this, but it must be stated emphatically that The Big Drum In the Sky religion makes fucking great music. Music that is issued from a deeply personal and well considered place. I am only aware of the surface manifestations of said music, and that's more than plenty for this listener. Surely the person that conceptualizes and writes and performs this stuff must be experiencing a very fascinating creative inner world vision. Can you tell that Disaster Amnesiac digs this stuff to the fullest? Hope so, Jack. 

Lately Entheogenocide has been dug up over here at Casita De Amnesiac, my own labyrinth of Sonoran solitude, and it's burning the brain just as it did some time ago when it was acquired from someplace or other. This long form piece revolves around a bass guitar ostinato that gets wrapped up within increasingly deep layers of electric guitar, one that is processed and pedal'd deliciously. So much happens within the seemingly simple bass guitar riff over the duration of this piece. At points I've heard Heavy Metal, old Folk songs, Minimalist scrawl; as stated, there's a ton of information therein. The electric guitar layers get deeper and deeper and more crazed, like a giant fungus or lichen occupying the established space from the bass guitar. It's a real head trip as they used to say. Surely, they meant exactly that then and Disaster Amnesiac means exactly that now. It's Psychedelic, baby. 

If there hasn't been a reissue of this incredible piece of Shoe Gaze Appalachian Real People Music, one may have a tough time finding it. My copy is 17/60. And no, you can't have it. Holding on to this here copy of Entheogenocide for the duration! Go and spelunk someplace else for yours.

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