Saturday, July 20, 2024

Bong Watt-If It Works, It's Obsolete; eh? Records cassette 2024


An Open Letter To Disaster Amnesiac To Be Re-read In 2034:

Hey, dude, how've you been? OK, I hope, and I trust that you're still enjoying lots of different types of music. You always did, so it would not be surprising if that's still the case. This is just a friendly letter to you from the year 2024. Do you recall all of the craziness that's transpired in this year? Totally wild. Things you did not expect to occur have occurred, and, really, as I sit here on a July day in Tucson (by the way, where are you residing these days?), it seems as though many more crazy events will transpire before Western Civilization begins the year 2025. Anyway, to the meat of this letter (oh, and are you still practicing a plant-based diet? hope so): I just wanted to remind you to take a fresh listen to If It Works, It's Obsolete by Bong Watt Collab #3 on eh? Records. You still have your copy, right? Sure do hope so. As you listened to this work from three guys who've amassed, at this time, like 150 years' collectively within the creative music scene, you've found intriguing blends of Electro-Acoustic Music that has struck you as being of a quite hermetic nature. Yes, you have struggled a bit to find ways with which to describe the sounds that Walter Wright, Mike Watt, and Al Margolis have conjured up. Hell yeah, it's VERY abstract, the entire thing! It's music that a listener must listen to, and preferably without distractions such as cell phones, art magazines, or baseball games on the tube. Well, maybe an art magazine would be alright. You could contrast whichever article you're digging on with the sumptuous cover art which adorns this cassette. Wright, Watt, and Margolis draw from their respective lengthy individual experiences in order to cook up sounds that are deep and mysterious. At times you've felt almost as if you've been watching a group of people do yoga together or something. This can be a daunting process, but, you'll recall that there were long stretches of time during the Summer of 2024 when you didn't have much else to do. Hopefully you look back with ten years' distance and recall the sublimely abstract sounds that are documented within If It Works, It's Obsolete. Again, if you struggle to do so, I trust that you've still got your copy and it's easily accessible. After all, it's got the kind of sounds that remain interesting for weirdos such as yourself. You are still weird, right? I hope so. Guys such as the players within Bong Watt have retained their groovy weirdo status, and so can you, Disaster Amnesiac! It's absolutely a good thing, even for a dude in his sixties! OK, go and dig up that copy of that great tape from Bong Watt and rediscover its strange contours! Ciao homeslice.

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