Saturday, September 28, 2024

AZ Underground Film Fest-Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me; The Screening Room, Tucson 9/27/24


A pairing of Desert Drone aesthetics with Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me at the always bitchin Screening Room in downtown Tucson? Well yes of course! The dark, disturbing Lynch film sequel to the groundbreaking TV series was enhanced by excellently subtle Drone and Ambient sounds from Zack Hansen, The (Arc) Collective, and the mighty Maiiuwak. All three did astute jobs of adding to the drama of it while never intruding into this viewer's celluloid experience. Nicely done you guys. 

It hadn't been too long since Disaster Amnesiac had seen Fire Walk With Me, so definitely recalled how twisted the story gets. Seeing how incredibly well Lynch knows how to frame a shot, especially a female within the shot was a true delight. Such a gifted director. 

The Screening Room staff are really kind and generous, the AZ Underground Film Fest is doing great stuff, and Desert Drone continues its long run of presenting worthy sounds to a willing public. Huzzah!

Below: amps for the soundtrack

Above: some kind of sign on Alameda St, near the county courthouse. Don't know if this is random art, or construction communication, or political/cultural messaging. Just saw it and found it fascinating. As is Tucson generally.

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